Wednesday 28 May 2014

Yuan Soap review - Lemon

YUP YUP YUP~ another Yuan Soap review! haha :D

This is actually a repurchase. I finished the 1st one and it's soooo good that I have to repurchase this! 
I finished it during my exam week, it took me 2 weeks to go to the mall(I bought this at midvalley) to repurchase it, had breakouts without this :'(

So, lets get in to the topic!

Lemon soap is for oily skin with large pores.
what it claimed
- brightens skin by removing old/dead skin cells
- tightens pores
- lightens pigmentation
- control sebum production

well... it does what it claimed! or else I wouldn't get another one XD
I noticed that it brightens my skin and my acne scars are less visible now. I have large and clogged pores especially at my nose and cheeks area (I believed that a lot of people are having the same problems), I noticed that my skin is getting better.

However, I don't recommend this to acne skin, but if you have acne-prone skin (like me), maybe you can give it a try :) Because you might want to solve your acne problem first then only you switch to this, just like I did. Normally I will change my skincare when my skin's condition changed.

I also don't recommend this to dry skin.

This soap will be great for people that stay in hot and humid places and need a refreshing soap (like me, in Malaysia =.= HOT! HOT! HOT! )

Ingredients & Price & Weight

checkout my others Yuan soap reviews!


Tadaaa..! bought it again last week! <3

**The price increased from RM33.90 to RM34.90


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