Sunday 9 February 2014

Alcohol allergic

I found out that I have alcohol allergic last week in Chinese New Year. it's not fun at all to have this. after I drank a few cups of alcohol drink, I felt my throat was swollen and experienced a little breathing difficulty but it's just a while because I stopped drinking. I thought that it was just my asthma (not a serious severe asthma).. after I got home, I started to feel itchy around my neck, arms, chest and back, then my skin obviously become red because I scratched them..haha

after 2 days, I went to doctor because it was still very itchy and the redness was still very bad. The doctor wanted to give me an injection as it will heal faster, but I refused, I chose tablets and cream.

yesterday midnight I went out with my friends to celebrate my birthday and I drank a little, btw, my past allergic was still there, SO, yup, it became worst  =,=

it was super red and itchy!! I still feel itchy now.. but it's much better as I applied cream and ate medicine that doctor prescribed for me. I also drank a lot of water to flush everything out.

redness on my back
 the redness already reduced half when I took these pictures. still very red but the photo didn't really show it.

So, here are the medicine that my doctor prescribed for me:

H-CORT cream

apply to the area affected (obviously,haha)
it is not greasy


please do go to the doctor ASAP if you experience ANY allergic. everyone maybe different. don't try any medicine without advice from the doctor/pharmacist .
side effect (skin peeling) that I started to have on my skin within 1-2weeks. I'm guessing its the cream that resulted this because only the skin area that I applied the cream was peeling.

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