Monday 21 July 2014

SkinFood Vita Juice Hand Essence review

So I got this for quite a while now, I think about 8months..? I am not a hand cream person because I hate that greasy feeling that most creams/lotions give, so, if I'm using any creams/lotions then they must be really non-greasy :D
SkinFood Vita Juice Hand Essence
it's a little bit dirty now as I always
bring it with me :p
 so, what does it claimed to do?
1. light weight
2. non-sticky
3. enriched with vitamins
4. nourishes and moisturizes dry and rough hands

well, it does everything it claimed!
it is not greasy at all and it is super light weight. my hands are dry sometimes, so I just put it in my bag and carry it with me wherever I go so that I can apply it anytime and anywhere I want.

Mostly I applied on my hands only, but sometimes my elbow too.. it makes my hands feel softer and moisturize yet not greasy at all! I don't like to hold my pens or phone or whatever with greasy hands, it is just super annoying. 
I have to do lab experiments for like twice a week at least, so in the lab I actually washed my hands quite often, so my hands can be a little dry than usual so this hand essence/cream is very good for me! (lots of "so" huh :P)

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