Monday 20 October 2014

SkinFood Avocado Lip Balm Review

For those who have chapped lips problem * pat on your shoulder* I understand your feeling :'(
I tried several lip balm products in the market. So far, this is the best.

Lip balm that I used before make my lips even worst. My lips will become drier and chapped more :'(
For this, my lips are moisturized. It last long and I have to reapply it after a few hours especially after having meals/drinks. Apply it before you go to bed and you'll have soft plump kissable lip on the next morning! *muackss* The scent are ok, sweet scent. Product's scent doesn't bother me much.

Size of it

Sorry for the messy-ness :P  coz I carry this around :D
The texture are just like most of lip balm in the market--creamy, buttery.
I like the color and the design of the product, GOLD and vintage, who doesn't like gold color XD
I really love this lip balm but the only downside of it is in a tub :'(  Hygienic is very important for me, before I apply it, I have to wash my hand or use wet tissue to clean my hand 1st. So it is quite annoying.

Price: RM28 (12g)

Repurchase? most probably not because of the tub packaging :(